FAQs - Banking details


Adoration Chapel: Please sign the Visitors Register as a Diocesan Policy

• Masses will continue to be livestreamed Monday to Saturday at 9.30am and Sunday at 9.00am

How can I continue to make my offering to the Church Stewardship & Presbytery collections?

For those who would like to continue their contributions to St Agatha's Parish or to make a donation, you can do so by Electronic Funds Transfer or Credit Card or we can set up a Direct Debit from your account  To download the form NAB Direct Debit & Credit Card Authority

Our banking details are:


For Donations, please credit the

Church Account:
Account Name: St Agathas Parish
BSB: 083-879 Account No: 489181088
So we can identify your deposit please use one of the following references:

For Donations: Surname Donation

For Stewardship:  Please use the QR and complete details.

PG QR code





Account Name: St Agathas Parish Mass Offerings

BSB: 083-347  Account No: 259437826

Mass Offerings: Name of Offering & date of Mass i.e. Henry 4 May

(Mass Offerings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office at least one week prior)


For donations to the Second Collection, which supports the Priests & Presbytery please credit the

Presbytery Account
Account Name: St Agathas Presbytery
BSB: 083-347 Account No: 367718393
Please put the following reference on your transfer - Surname Pres Coll



BANK:  National Australia Bank




ACCOUNT NUMBER:  48918 1088

BENEFICIARY NAME:  St Agatha’s Parish-Cranbourne

BENEFICIARY ADDRESS:  131 Sladen Street,

                                            CRANBOURNE, VICTORIA, 3977


We thank you in advance for supporting our parish community

Can I still offer a Mass? 

Masses can be offered for my intention or my loved ones.
At your request, a Mass can be offered for your intention. This can only be arranged by telephoning the parish office on 5996 1985 on Monday 1.00pm to 3.00pm or Tuesday to Friday between 8.30am – 3.00pm. Only Two Mass offerings taken per Mass, where possible we request you book at least one week in advance.
Please phone the parish office to book your Mass intention before paying with CDFpay online, Thank you.  

What is an Act of Spiritual Communion and how do I make one?

Catholics have long been encouraged to partake in the practice of “spiritual communion” when extraordinary situation or distance make it almost impossible to physically receive the Holy Communion, (for instance – being homebound). Simply put, it is coming before the Lord in prayer – expressing our deep desire to be united to Him despite the fact that we are unable to be united to Him in receiving the Eucharist. In making an Act of Spiritual Communion we ask the Lord to give us the graces that would come to us if we were able to receive Him sacramentally (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity). Reciting the prayer written by St. Alphonsus Liguori below is simple and common way of making an Act of Spiritual Communion.

How do I prepare for Spiritual Communion?

It is a matter of consciousness, preparation and an interior disposition.
The heart of a Spiritual Communion is to rest there in that special moment of desire and openness, reception and gratitude. It is a moment to be with Jesus, as he is with me. There is no need for words in that moment. A soul says "Amen" at peace. Our hearts express their gratitude in quiet but deep emotion.
In this time of crisis, Jesus longs to be in communion with us as we are longing to be in communion with him.

The way we prepare to receive Spiritual Communion with Jesus is very similar to the way we prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. In times, we might participate in a Mass on TV or on line.
If we can't do any of those, we might want to read the readings of the day.
If we are unable to do either of those, we might just prepare ourselves in the ways we'd prepare for Communion at Mass. It begins with an act of contrition or sorrow for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment (a change of heart and resolve to not continue that behavior or habit). It then moves to a desire, which we can put into words, telling our Lord how much we desire to receive him into our heart. We can tell him about our need for him at this time and of our gratitide for his desire to be with us. Finally, we can simply say what we say at Mass, "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Anointing (or Last Rites)

Yes, a priest will come to anoint the seriously ill in an emergency and dying.

Baptism Preparation Program

1st Sunday of the Month from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. Bookings through our Parish Website


Baptisms will be celebrated on Sunday at 12.30pm 

Bookings of up to seven families per session. The Parish offers live streaming for Baptisms if you would like to know more information please contact the parish office. 

First Reconciliation 2025

Parent Information & Workshop sessions Wednesday 5th February 7.00pm & Thursday 13th February 7.00pm St Agatha's School Hall.
Parent/Child workshop Wednesday 26th  February at 5.00pm & 7.00pm or Thursday 27th February at 7.00pm.  [Parents need only attend one session]
Ceremonies Wednesday 12th & 13th March at 5.00pm & 7.00pm.

First Communion 2025

Parent Information & Workshop sessions Wednesday 23rd April 7.00pm & Wednesday 30th April May 7.00pm St Agatha's School Hall.  
Parent/Child workshop Wednesday 14th May at 5.00pm & 7.00pm or Thursday 15th May at 7.00pm.  [Parents need only attend one session]
First Communion Ceremonies Saturday 21st June & Sundauy 22nd June at 2.00pm.


Confirmation Ceremonies 2025 

Parent Information & Workshop sessions Wednesday 23rd July 7.00pm & Wednesday 30th July 7.00pm St Agatha's School Hall. 
Parent/Child workshop Wednesday 13th August at 5.00pm & 7.00pm or Thursday14th August at 7.00pm.  [Parents need only attend one session]
Confirmation Ceremony Sunday 31st August 2025, St Agatha's Church.


Friday & Saturday after the 9.30am Mass. 

Can I go to Confession over the phone?

It is not possible to go to confession over the phone. Real presence is necessary in person, either face to face or in a screened booth. Privacy is of key importance to the sacrament of reconciliation to preserve the seal of confession – electronic communications lack this level of privacy.

Can I get Holy Water? - 

Holy Water is available from the Church foyer.

Can I receive a Birthday blessing? 

Birthday blessing are available, during Mass or after Mass. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office 03 5996 1985.
All contributions will be greatly appreciated and will help meet the needs of our Parish.

We will try to continually update this page with questions and answers as they arise.
Thank you.


15 Feb
First Reconciliation Commitment weekend
Date 15.02.25 6:00 pm - 16.02.25 6:00 pm
26 Feb
First Reconciliation Parent & Child Workshop
Date 26.02.25 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
26 Feb
First Reconciliation Parent & Child Workshop
Date 26.02.25 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
27 Feb
First Reconciliation Parent & Child Workshop
Date 27.02.25 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm